Moving Content

​​​There are a few ways to move items.

Move Items to a Fol​der

  1. Open the library containing the item you want to move.
  2. Locate the item in the Library contents.
  3. Click to highlight (select) the item.
  4. Hold down the left mouse button while you drag the item over the name of the folder where you want it to go.
  5. The destination will become highlighted. Release the item to “drop” in onto the folder.
  6. Open the folder and verify the item moved to the folder.

You can move or copy content from one library to another using the Site Content and Structure tool.

Moving Multiple Items

  1. Access the Site Content and Structure tool.
    SharePoint Content and Structure tool
  2. Locate the file(s) or subsite you want to move or copy.
  3. Select the check box next to the file(s) you want to move or copy. 
  4. Click the Actions button drop-down on the menu bar.
  5. Select Move or Copy.
  6. A popup window Webpage Dialog will present the site tree.

    SharePoint Content and Structure move dialog box 

  7. Locate and select the Destination you want to move or copy the file to.
  8. The window will refresh after a brief pause.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Copying may take several minutes. You will receive a screen that indicates that files are copying or moving and displaying the progress. This window will then be replaced by one indicating that links are being updated and displaying the progress
  11. SharePoint moving items page example
  12. When the copy or move is complete, open the destination site and confirm that your files or pages have successfully been moved or copied.