
​​A key question when someone first comes to your site is "Who are you?" It's important to answer it quickly, and make the paths to obvious follow-up questions ("What do you do?", "Why should I trust you?," etc.) clear.

  1. Company Logo Is Prominently Placed – Put your logo or brand where it's easy to find, and that usually means the upper-left of the screen. People expect it, and they like it when you make their lives easy.
  2. Tagline Makes Company's Purpose Clear – Answer "What do you do?" concisely with a descriptive tagline. Avoid marketing jargon and boil your unique value proposition down to a few words. This is also a plus for SEO.
  3. Home-page Is Digestible In 5 Seconds – In usability, we often talk about the 5-second rule. There's some disagreement over just how many seconds you get, but website visitors are a fickle bunch, and they need to get the basic gist of your home-page in just a few moments.
  4. Clear Path to Company Information – The good old "About Us" page may seem boring, but confidence is important on the web, and people need an easy way to learn more about you.
  5. Clear Path to Contact Information – Similarly, visitors want to know that they can get in touch with you if they need to. It's also hard to do business if no one can contact you. Preferably, list your contact information as text (not in an image) - it'll get picked up by search engines, including local searches.