Pages Library

​Navigate the Pages Library

Pages on the site are stored in the Pages library. To create a page, or to edit an existing page, first navigate to the pages library.

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select the Gear icon (Settings) at the upper right and select Site Contents.
  3. The page will refresh and the Site Contents page will be displayed. Select the Pages library icon (blue file). The contents of the Pages library will be displayed as a list.

Add a Page

Navigate to the pages library.

  1. Navigate to the folder in which you want to add the page.
  2. Select the down arrow on the New document icon in the ribbon and select Page. The Create Page page is displayed.
  3. Enter a title for the page with no spaces between words and tab to the Description field. The Title you entered will be automatically populated to the URL name field.
  4. Select Create. You will be returned to the pages library and your new page will appear with a green checkmark icon indicating it is checked out to you.

Delete a Page

If you are certain you no longer need a page on your site, you can delete it.

  1. Navigate to the page you want to remove.
  2. Under the Page tab, select Delete Page. You will be asked to confirm.
  3. Select OK to delete the page.
    Delete page in SharePoint ribbon

You will be redirected to the site home page.